Do you have commitment issues?


Why do so many people who claim they want to lose weight and get in shape never stick to anything?

I only have to look at facebook posts or speak to somebody to know a lot about their approach to taking control of their diet and exercise. One week they say how much they are enjoying a local boot-camp, next month its some magic fat-burning pills, the one after its P90X or another workout DVD, then a diet plan featured in the newspaper, closely followed by a new class at the local gym…..the list goes on.

Well, guess what, they never really look any different or get long term results. Why?

They are missing one very vital ingredient, and that is commitment!

They keep hopping around from one thing to the next, never really giving anything a chance.  The minute it gets tough, they quit or look for something supposedly easier or more effective.

I am going to say something perhaps controversial here, if you move your body with the required intensity and cut some calories, then everything works for weight loss.

Before anyone attacks me for going against my earlier advice, remember I am not telling you that eating whatever you want whilst sitting on the couch is the optimal way to shed the excess pounds, because it isn’t.

Some methods are vastly more effective than others when it comes to changing your shape, but at the end of the day if you eat less calories than you burn off, then you will lose weight. Losing fat rather than muscle is more difficult, and changing body composition without screwing up your metabolism and guaranteeing rebound weight gain requires some specific knowledge and a clear plan.

Of course, issues like fat loss versus weight loss, hormonal manipulation (the effect which eating different types of food, exercise and lifestyle has on your body composition), BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) play a huge part, but what most people are lacking is the ability to really stick to something.

We all know that the first few weeks of any lifestyle change are easy. We are filled with good intentions and motivation is high. Sooner or later the going starts to get tough, temptation rears its head, obstacles come up, we find excuses and a huge majority of people give up.

Change is hard and it takes effort – consistent effort.


Not one thing one week, and another the next.

Not clean eating one week and sugary snacks the next.

Not flitting from one quick-fix plan to another, looking for something which is miraculously going to make it easy.

Forget it as it doesn’t exist.

If you are following a sensible and sustainable programme, not some crazy calorie cutting or points counting fad, then the end result will be worth it.

Accept from the beginning that there are going to be moments when it is hard. Times when you want to quit.

Decide up front what you are going to do when that happens.

Do you want to be the sort of person who never reaches their goals? Somebody who starts well but never reaches a finish line?

The harder the journey, the more we can appreciate the destination.

When the going gets tough – commit.


When temptation gets the better of you – commit again.


When you don’t feel like it – find a way.


Life is tough and hard, and nothing worth having will come easy.

Stop looking for the next best thing. Find a proven diet and fitness system to follow, and then do whatever you can to make it work for you. No excuses.

The best plan in the world is the one which you will stick to!

If walking is your thing, walk somewhere every day. If its triathlon, find a periodised workout plan or a coach to guide you, then get training. If it is intermittent fasting you want to try, do the research or speak to someone who has had success, and make a start.

Be somebody who you can be proud of, and a person who others look up to when it comes to getting results. We don’t admire those who apparently have it easy, but those who have had to dig deep and overcome many things in their quest to reach a meaningful goal.

Don’t be a ducker and diver, that person who never sticks to anything, who finds excuses at every turn or tries to switch horses in the middle of a race!

Follow a clear and certain path. Apparent short cuts may work for some, but equally might have you going in completely the wrong direction only to have to back-track or leaving you lost in the wilderness.

Straight path to success



There is no short cut to success!






The body which you have now is the one which you have earned. What does it say about you? If you don’t like what you see, change it.

You have the skills within you, each and every one of you, to look and feel better. So quit with the excuses, and get on with it.

Begin today and commit to building the body and future you want.


PS -If you live in the Plymouth area, I have a group of clients who have already committed to that change and are right now getting brilliant results with the Merlin Fitness 90-day swimsuit challenge. I will be updating you on their progress in coming weeks. If you are interested in getting involved in the programme which gives you guaranteed results, give me a call at the studio on 01752 721062 to schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation.


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